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3 End of Life Signs and Symptoms

someone holding on to an elderly hand

Bracing ourselves for the impending loss of our loved ones is always a difficult and painful experience. While identifying end-of-life signs does not ease the pain, it allows us to start funeral pre-planning early, as well as gives us more time to be by our loved one’s side during their final moments, taking photos, engaging […]

3 Essential Elements of a Buddhist Funeral

Buddhist funeral in singapore

With over 1.07 million individuals identifying as Buddhists, Buddhism is the most represented religion in Singapore. As such, Buddhist funerals are frequent occurrences and many of us may have encountered one. However, those who are unfamiliar with Buddhist funeral services might be wondering more about the traditional funeral rituals and customs involved. If you are […]

The Significance Of Holding A Funeral Service In Singapore

The Significance Of Holding A Funeral Service In Singapore

Many Singaporeans regard death as a taboo subject. Even the thought of it is considered unpleasant to many people, as it only reminds us of the fragility of life. And yet, there is great reverence and care paid to the various funeral etiquettes and customs in Singapore, with every culture having its own rituals to […]

A Guide To The Common Types Of Funeral Services Held In Singapore

A Guide To The Common Types Of Funeral Services Held In Singapore

PART 1 – INTRODUCTION Singapore is a cosmopolitan society with people from various races and religions. Among the most common faiths in Singapore include Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and many more. Due to these various religions, a funeral service in Singapore may differ depending on the beliefs of the departed and their family. Each […]




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