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Do’s and Don’ts When Attending a Chinese Funeral

Traditional Chinese funeral in Singapore

Did you know that Chinese funerals often incorporate a mix of religious and cultural traditions, influenced by various belief systems? This includes Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and local folk religions. While the specific practices can vary depending on regional customs and the preferences of the family involved, the general rituals remain consistent across both Taoist funerals […]

A Guide To The Common Types Of Funeral Services Held In Singapore

A Guide To The Common Types Of Funeral Services Held In Singapore

PART 1 – INTRODUCTION Singapore is a cosmopolitan society with people from various races and religions. Among the most common faiths in Singapore include Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and many more. Due to these various religions, a funeral service in Singapore may differ depending on the beliefs of the departed and their family. Each […]

Understanding The Overall Flow Of A Taoist Funeral

Understanding The Overall Flow Of A Taoist Funeral

“Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides.” This quote from the famous philosopher and founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu, perfectly sums up how Taoists view death. The concept of an afterlife does not exist within Taoism. Instead, practitioners believe their spirits live on after death and it is part […]




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